Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bear crawl

This spring, the 6th graders have been building their core strength by working on bear crawls.  Students are split into small groups and must bear crawl around a quadrant of cones.  Students focus on simultaneously moving their hands and feet together, while not dropping to their knees.  As a challenge, students were asked to bear crawl backwards while also changing directions at each cone.  The 6th graders have fun doing this exercise while also getting stronger.  Great job everyone!

Clothing Drive success!

The Spring Clothing Drive was very successful in the MS.  All clothes from both divisions were sent to Paul's Place.  Below is a picture of the clothing that was donated by MS students and their families.  Thank you all for your participation!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Clothing Drive March 19th-22nd - The Lower and Middle Schools will be collecting clothing to donate to the Hampden Family Center and Paul's Place. Students can bring in gently used clothing the week we return from spring break. Collection bins will be available in the Middle School lower lobby (outside of the Black Box Theater) after handshaking and in the front lobby of the Lower School. The community centers would appreciate children's clothes and coats, in particular, but any donations would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in helping to deliver the clothing please contact Mr. McMahon (Lower School) or Mr. Hagel (Middle School). Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Calvert School Wrestling 2013

Calvert had their first wresting matches of the season this week.  We squared off against Friends and Gilman and came away with some wins, losses, and many lessons learned.  I am very proud of my boys and their great effort!  Please see some highlights below:



Thursday, January 24, 2013

5th grade CrossFit!

The 5th graders have been working on a a full-body CrossFit exercise called "rock-up squats + burpee," found here  This exercise is difficult because students are challenged to stand straight up to their feet directly from their back.  The 5th graders have continued to improve over the last few weeks, as more of them do not have to use their hands to stand up to their feet.  Great job everyone!  Please see video below:


Thursday, January 10, 2013


Before winter break, I had the opportunity to teach a week long wrestling unit to Mr. Porter's 9th and 10th age boys in the lower school.  The boys were attentive, worked hard, and learned many wrestling techniques from neutral (standing), and referees position (top/bottom).  It was a great week!  Please see below for highlights:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Calvert's exercise and fitness room

This winter, the 7th graders have spent some time in Calvert's exercise and fitness room.  For each free weight exercise, students spot each other.  All of my 7th graders truly worked hard at each station.  Please see some highlights below:
bench press

Airdyne bike

 leg extentions

Smith Machine assisted squats

row machine (erg)
elliptical trainer

bench press

bench press