Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday in P.E.

After a dynamic warm-up, the 8th graders completed an exercise circuit that worked on their cardiovascular endurance and their muscle strength.  Students continuously ran/sprinted the length of the basketball court and walked the width  for about 8 minutes.  At the sound of the whistle, they quickly moved to the nearest corner "exercise station" and performed that corner's designated exercise for about 30 seconds. Exercises included: push-ups, jump rope, crunches, and mountain climbers.  Here is a short clip of the circuit:

Next, the 8th graders played in a fun game which had them running, dodging balls, and fleeing from classmates on scooters.  Rules:  five "throwers" line each side of the basketball court.  The remaining students are "runners."  The runners' job is to run from one side of the gym to the other without being hit with a ball.  Once hit,  a runner must grab a scooter and try to tag other runners as they pass. It gets to be pretty tricky when there are only a few runners left!  Here is a short clip of the game:

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Joy of Quiet

Last week in 7th grade Health class, we read an interesting article from The New York Times called The Joy of Quiet by Pico Iyer.  The article discussed the importance of incorporating peace and quiet into our highly technical and over scheduled lives.  The article noted that the average American "spends at least eight and a half hours a day in front of a screen...(and)...the average American teenager sends or receives 75 text messages a day."  These are alarming statistics. 

However, the article reported that during a recent study, subjects who had spent time in a "quiet rural setting....exhibited greater attentiveness, stronger memory and generally improved cognition."  Through reading and discussing the article, we discovered how beneficial "down time" truly can be to our mental and physical health.  A link to the article can be found below.

Special thanks to Dr. Martire for sharing this article with me.

Friday, February 3, 2012


In addition to teaching P.E. and Health, I am the head coach of the Calvert wrestling team.  The team has competed against numerous local middle schools this season.  The wrestlers have trained hard and wrestled tough every time they have stepped on the mat.  Here is a very short clip from one of our matches.  Watch as the Calvert wrestler (black top, black shorts) turns the tables on his opponent, winning the match by pin!