Monday, January 16, 2012

Health Class

Last Thursday in 7th grade Health class, we discussed a topic that is particularly important for middle school students, and is vital to development during teen age years and into adulthood:  SELF-ESTEEM.

Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia online ( defines the term as:

1.       : a confidence and satisfaction in oneself: SELF-RESPECT

During a time when physical, verbal, and cyber bullying are on the rise—it is crucial for middle school students to develop a sense of self-worth.  It is by no means simple to build one’s self-esteem, but by evaluating some factors that play into self-perception, one might find some key areas on which to further reflect.

My students filled out a self-esteem inventory to help them reflect on which factors are most important to their own feelings of positive self-esteem.  To view the worksheet, click on the link below, and follow the link that says “Self Esteem Inventory Worksheet” on the page that comes up.

Monday, January 9, 2012


I hope everyone had a wonderful break and took some time to relax with family and friends!  With the new year comes the opportunity to start some healthy habits.  It is important to stay physically active during these colder winter months.  Healthy eating choices and getting ample sleep at night are also important aspects to keep in mind this winter.  We will continue to work hard and have fun in P.E. in 2012.